American Bible Academy and Resource Center

Christian books written in the Russian language


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  • The ABA is America's fastest growing Bible college behind bars?
  • ABA has students in all 50 states and 24 foreign countries.
  • ABA enrolls an average of 72 new prisoner students per day?
  • ABA students have completed over 112,000 courses?
  • ARM is one of the world's leading jail and prison ministries?

Check out ABARC's parent site at

You can sponsor a prisoner's Bible correspondence study for only $8.00 per course!

Because most prisoners cannot access ABA on-line, they must receive hard copy courses.  It costs only $8.00 per course, to print, package, post and grade an ABA course for a prisoner. 

Click here to sponsor a student or other ways to donate online!


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All gifts are tax deductible.
Thank You!


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Remember you can also request additional information from there as well!

American Rehabilitation Ministries
P.O. Box 1490
Joplin, Missouri 64802-1490

TEL: (417) 781-9100
FAX: (417) 781-9532