ARM Prison Outreach International

"Ministers’ Minute"  Volume II  Number 7

A Study Aid for the Minor Prophets! 

Editor’s Note: This "MM" is the 7th message of 2003 in a series that ARM is sending as an encouragement to preachers and Christian workers around the world.  This is the first issue that isn't actually a sermon.  This study aid focuses on the twelve Minor Prophets.  I developed this to give myself a way of quickly remembering the basic message of each Minor Prophet.  It is my prayer that it will help you and those you teach.  May God bless your labors!  -- Rod Farthing, Regional Development Director 


Acrostic Themes of the Minor Prophets

Rod Farthing, ARM Regional Development Director

The following acrostics are designed to aid the Bible student in remembering the basic themes of the twelve Minor Prophets.



H Helping

O Others

S See the

E Evils of

A Apostasy



J Jerusalem

O Overrun and

E Eaten by

L Locusts



A Admonishing

M Men

O Of

S Substance



O Oh


I Inhabitants

A Atop the

H Hill



J Journey

O Over to

N Ninevah

A And

H Help



M Many

I Iniquities

C Cause

A Assyrian

H Harm



N Ninevah

A Angers

H Him by

U Using

M Meanness



H Here

A Ascends

B Babylon

A And

K Konquers

K Kingdoms

U Using

K Kruelty



Z Zion

E Endures

P Plundering

H Hosts

A And

N Needs

I Intervention

A And

H Help



H Help

A Arrange

G God’s

G Good

A Architecture

I Industriously



Z Zeal

E Enhances

C Continued

H Healing

A And

R Reveals

I Interesting

A Attributes of

H Him



M Many

A Apostacized

L Later

A And

C Cheated

H Him of

I Income


© Copyright 2003

Rod Farthing

Permission is granted to use, copy, and distribute but not to sell.

May you have great physical health and continuing spiritual vitality for the tasks within the Father's purposes!

Rod Farthing, ARM Regional Development Director
"Remain faithful unto death .."  Rev. 2:10B