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Download the Entire Book (17.7 MB)
Individual Lesson Download
Volumes 3 & 4
Introduction (.3 MB)
Lesson 53  - The Christian Documents (.4 MB)
Lesson 54  - Genuineness of the Christian Documents (.3 MB)
Lesson 55 - Genuineness of the Christian Documents (.4 MB)
Lesson 56  - How the Christian Scriptures Have Come Down to Us (.3 MB)
Lesson 57  - The Credibility of the New Testament Writers (.4 MB)
Lesson 58 - Matthew's Testimony about Jesus of Nazareth (.4 MB)
Lesson 59 - Mark's Testimony about Jesus of Nazareth (.3 MB)
Lesson 60 - Luke's Testimony about Jesus of Nazareth (.3 MB)
Lesson 61  - Luke's Testimony about Jesus of Nazareth (.2 MB)
Lesson 62  - John's Testimony about Jesus of Nazareth (.3 MB)
Lesson 63 - John's Testimony about Jesus of Nazareth (.4 MB)
Lesson 64 - The Fourfold Gospel Testimony (.05 MB)
Lesson 65 - Peter's Testimony about Jesus of Nazareth (.2 MB)
Lesson 66 - Peter's Testimony about Jesus of Nazareth (.4 MB)
Lesson 67  - Paul's Testimony about Jesus of Nazareth (.3 MB)
Lesson 68 - Paul's Testimony about Jesus of Nazareth (.5 MB)
Lesson 69 - The Gospel Facts about Jesus of Nazareth (.3 MB)
Lesson 70 - The Historical Background of Christianity (.4 MB)
Lesson 71 - The Historicity of Jesus of Nazareth (.3 MB)
Lesson 72  - The Issue Respecting Jesus of Nazareth (.3 MB)
Lesson 73 - The Issue Respecting Jesus of Nazareth (.4 MB)
Lesson 74 - Jesus the Great Teacher (.4 MB)
Lesson 75 - The Teaching of Jesus (.3 MB)
Lesson 76 - The Teaching of Jesus (.3 MB)
Lesson 77 - The Teaching of Jesus (.3 MB)
Lesson 78 - The Teaching of Jesus (.2 MB)
Lesson 79 -The Uniqueness of the Teaching of Jesus (.6 MB)
Lesson 80 - Jesus the Great Teacher: A Summary (.4 MB)
Lesson 81 - Jesus the Altogether Lovely (.9 MB)
Lesson 82 - Jesus our Perfect Exemplar (.4 MB)
Lesson 83 - The Claims of Jesus of Nazareth (.2 MB)
Lesson 84 - The Claims of Jesus of Nazareth (.4 MB)
Lesson 85 - The Promised Redeemer (.6 MB)
Lesson 86 - Old Testament Types of Jesus (.3 MB)
Lesson 87 - Jesus The Fulfillment of Prophecy (.3 MB)
Lesson 88 - The Prophecies of Jesus and Their Fulfilment (.3 MB)
Lesson 89 - The Prophecies of Jesus and Their Fulfilment (.4 MB)
Lesson 90 - Jesus the Worker of Miracles (.4 MB)
Lesson 91 - Jesus the Worker of Miracles (.4 MB)
Lesson 92 - The Genuineness of the New Testament Miracles (.4 MB)
Lesson 93 - The Resurrection of Jesus (.3 MB)
Lesson 94 - The Resurrection of Jesus (.6 MB)
Lesson 95 - The Names and Titles Ascribed to Jesus (.2 MB)
Lesson 96 - The Names and Titles Ascribed to Jesus (.3 MB)
Lesson 97 - The Deity of Jesus (.4 MB)
Lesson 98  - The Word of God (.4 MB)
Lesson 99 - The Mystery of Godliness (.4 MB)
Lesson 100 - The Incarnation of the Word (.4 MB)
Lesson 101 - Condescension and Humiliation of the Word (.4 MB)
Lesson 102 - Immanuel: God With Us (.4 MB)
Lesson 103 - Jesus The First and The Last (.4 MB)
Lesson 104 - The Christian Confession of Faith (.3 MB)
Special Study 1 - The Dead Sea Scrolls (.8 MB)
Special Study 2 - The Harmony of the Teaching of Jesus and that of the Apostle Paul (.3 MB)

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