"Lay these Words upon thy heart"




Have you ever prayed for a greater knowledge of God’s Word? Do you know you hold in your hand the answer to your prayer? If you were to follow out the study procedure described in these books, the inevitable result would be far deeper knowledge of His word than when you began. Try it—we know!

Have you ever wished that your Bible School class would take a personal interest in the knowledge of the Bible? You hold in your hand an answer to your wish—thousands of church members are, this minute, finding, through the study of the Bible by means of these books, a knowledge of the Word they never had before—it can be true in your class. They cannot understand without a guide. Through the Bible Study Textbooks you can be that guide.

What a sad lack of concern for the lost and the establishment of the Lord’s church we see in the life of the average church member! How can we change this tragic picture? It could be that you hold the key in your hand. To study the Bible with a good and honest heart is to obtain a concern for the unsaved.

The Bible is God’s love letter to a lost world. Do elders and deacons and Bible School teachers lack in zeal? We are sure that if they are good and honest in heart that they also lack in a personal knowledge of the Word of God. We believe a personal knowledge of the Bible will produce a soul-winner. You hold in your hand the possible means of the salvation of thousands of souls—The Bible Study Textbook.



  • The ABA is America's fastest growing Bible college behind bars?
  • ABA has students in all 50 states and 24 foreign countries.
  • ABA enrolls an average of 72 new prisoner students per day?
  • ABA students have completed over 112,000 courses?
  • ARM is one of the world's leading jail and prison ministries?

Check out ABARC's parent site at www.arm.org

You can sponsor a prisoner's Bible correspondence study for only $8.00 per course!

Because most prisoners cannot access ABA on-line, they must receive hard copy courses.  It costs only $8.00 per course, to print, package, post and grade an ABA course for a prisoner. 

Click here to sponsor a student or other ways to donate online!


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American Rehabilitation Ministries
P.O. Box 1490
Joplin, Missouri 64802-1490

TEL: (417) 781-9100
FAX: (417) 781-9532