Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true
or false.
| 1. | The
word “amen” comes from the Aramaic language, meaning “it is firm; so be
| 2. | In
the phrase “if there is any excellence,” the word “excellence” is the
comprehensive classical Greek word for “virtue,” and it
points to what is brave, beautiful, and morally upright.
| 3. | “Christ” means “the anointed one.”
| 4. | The
Greek word for “form” refers to “an outward or superficial
| 5. | In
Phil 4:1, the word “crown” comes from the Greek term for a royal diadem.
| 6. | The
name “Saul” is a Greek name.
| 7. | Paul
wrote Romans, Galatians, Ephesians, and Philippians during his imprisonment in Rome.
| 8. | When
writing that a fellow servant was “risking his life,” Paul uses the word for
“risking” that was the secular term for “putting oneself in harm’s way during a
| 9. | Timothy was converted by Peter but later became an assistant of Paul.
| 10. | The
ancient Docetics concluded that Jesus was wholly divine, but in no way really human.
| 11. | Paul
wrote 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus while he was imprisoned.
| 12. | The
Greek word “refuse” was a word for “excrement” or
| 13. | To
the Jewish mind, the title “kurios” even had reference to God Himself.
| 14. | To be
“abased” meant to experience humiliation and poverty.
| 15. | The
church in Philippi was a generous church despite the deep poverty of its members.
| 16. | The
word “omnipotence” can be defined as a “state of being
| 17. | In
Philippians, Paul expressed that Timothy had become very ill and was near the point of
| 18. | Joy
is one of the dominant themes of Philippians.
| 19. | In
the phrase “will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus,” the words “heart”
and “minds” are best understood as being totally separate parts of a man, such as
“emotion” and “intelligence.”
| 20. | Paul
makes it a point to identify himself as an “Apostle” in the opening of
| 21. | The
praetorian guard was an elite body of 10,000 soldiers who made up the emperor’s personal
| 22. | In
the phrase “will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus,” the word
“keep” is a banking term meaning “to place in one’s account.”
| 23. | The
Greek word “kurios” originally meant “an owner, obeyed as master, and honored as a
| 24. | In
“stand firm,” the present tense of this imperative verb indicates that standing firm must
be a continuing action.
| 25. | Timothy faithfully served Paul during his First and Second Missionary
| 26. | When
Paul warns, “look out for those who mutilate the flesh,” he changes the regular word for
circumcision (“around-cut”) to the word for mutilation
| 27. | In
the proper context of Philippians, “I can do all things in Him who strengthens me,” means
the ability to face any circumstance without despair.
| 28. | The
phrase “ample cause to glory” is literally “that your reason for boasting might
| 29. | “Forbearance” is the willingness to temper legal justice with
| 30. | There
is no elite, separate class of sainthood found in the church of the New Testament.
| 31. | At
least a dozen times in Philippians, the Father and Son are named together in the same
| 32. | The
phrase “under the earth” specifically refers to the whereabouts of demons or deceased
| 33. | “Euodia” and “Syntyche” are masculine names.
| 34. | The
word “omniscience” can be defined as a “state of being
| 35. | It
seems likely that “yokefellow” was simply a person’s name.
| 36. | A
deacon is literally a “guardian” or “over-seer.”
| 37. | The
refusal to admit that Jesus had come in the flesh was one of the earliest heresies of the
| 38. | The
New Testament commends specific prayer as opposed to prayer that is general and vague.
| 39. | In
crucifixion, the ultimate cause of death was loss of blood, shock, and suffocation.
| 40. | In
“not frightened in anything by your opponents,” the word “frightened” refers to a
soldier who is terrified by an advancing army and retreats in fear.
| 41. | The
word for “full courage” was the term used in ancient Athens for the right of free
| 42. | Paul
visited Philippi on his First and Second Missionary Journeys.
| 43. | The
words “being in full accord” literally mean being “joined in soul.”
| 44. | In
crucifixion, the Romans used a simple upright stake, but the Greeks always added the
| 45. | To be
“holy” means to be “set apart” for special ownership and use.
| 46. | In
the city of Philippi, Paul cast out a spirit of divination from a slave girl.
| 47. | When
Paul writes “by being of the same mind, “ he stresses that the point of agreement should
focus upon doctrine and opinion rather than the unity of attitude and purpose.
| 48. | The
word “omnipresence” can be defined as a “state of being everywhere
| 49. | Every
Christian should consider himself a saint, set apart for the service of God.
| 50. | Timothy’s mother was a devout Greek woman, but his father was a
| 51. | A
bishop is equated with an elder in Titus 1:5 and 7.
| 52. | Paul
identifies himself as a “servant” or “slave” in the opening verses of
| 53. | “Jesus” is the same as the Old Testament name “Joshua” which means
“Jehovah is salvation.”
| 54. | Paul
converted Lydia in the city of Philippi.
Multiple Choice
Identify the
letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
| 55. | Paul’s first reference to Epaphroditus occurs in Philippians Chapter
| 56. | Paul
came from the tribe of _____. a. | Judah | d. | Joseph | b. | Dan | e. | Benjamin | c. | Naphtali | | | | |
| 57. | Euodia and Syntyche are mentioned in Philippians Chapter _____.
| 58. | The
word “_____” was the classical term for assaying metals to determine their
genuineness. a. | Examine | d. | Determine | b. | Calculate | e. | Inspect | c. | Approve | | | | |
| 59. | The
very graphic word “_____” literally means “empty glory.” a. | Emptied | d. | Conceit | b. | Humility | e. | Selfishness | c. | Imitate | | | | |
| 60. | Timothy is named in _____ epistles as Paul’s
| 61. | In
Greek, “yokefellow” is “_____.” a. | Syzygus | d. | Sugchairo | b. | Sugchusis | e. | Sugkaleo | c. | Sugkomizo | | | | |
| 62. | The
Greek word “_____” includes much more than just the appetite for food and drink, and all
physical, sensual appetites are included. a. | Gluttony | d. | Indulge | b. | Craving | e. | Belly | c. | Hunger | | | | |
| 63. | “Whatever is ‘_____’” literally means “well-sounding,”
and it includes things that are attractive, appealing, and praise-worthy. a. | Honorable | d. | Lovely
| b. | Just | e. | Gracious | c. | Pure | | | | |
| 64. | How
many times does the Greek word for “highly exalted” appear in the New
| 65. | The
Greek word for “_____” means “to have an intimate personal
experience.” a. | Knowing | d. | Pledge | b. | Worth | e. | Marriage | c. | Desire | | | | |
| 66. | Philippians Chapter _____ contains these words: “I can do all things in him who
strengthens me.”
| 67. | The
word Paul used for “deliverance” (Phil 1:19) may also be translated
“_____.” a. | Salvation | d. | Aid | b. | Escape | e. | Liberate | c. | Rescue | | | | |
| 68. | Paul
was in the city of _____ when the book of Philippians was written. a. | Rome | d. | Jerusalem | b. | Corinth | e. | Philippi | c. | Antioch | | | | |
| 69. | Philippians Chapter _____ makes reference to Clement.
| 70. | The
Greek term “prokope” is translated “_____” in Phil. 1:25. a. | Pressed | d. | Persecute | b. | Eager | e. | Progress | c. | Glory | | | | |
| 71. | The
word “_____” is best defined as “well-being of the soul.” a. | Forgiven | d. | Peace | b. | Salvation | e. | Mercy | c. | Grace | | | | |
| 72. | Levitical law required a male baby to be circumcised when he was _____ days
| 73. | The
word for “_____” goes back to the Greek theater. It was customary for a wealthy
patron of the arts to provide all the necessary equipment, costumes, salaries, etc. to make the
production possible. a. | Charity | d. | Offering | b. | Generosity | e. | Help | c. | Helpful | | | | |
| 74. | Philippians Chapter _____ records these words: “Therefore, my beloved, as you
have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own
salvation with fear and trembling; for God is at work in you, both to will and to work for his good
| 75. | The
Greek word for “joy” is “_____.” a. | Charis | d. | Koinonia | b. | Chara | e. | Koinonia | c. | Eucharisto | | | | |
| 76. | “Whatever is ‘_____’” refers to things that are right, fair, and
in accordance with God’s
commandments. a. | Honorable | d. | Lovely | b. | Just | e. | Gracious | c. | Pure | | | | |
| 77. | Philippians Chapter _____ records this verse: “For to me to live is Christ, and
to die is gain.”
| 78. | The
Greek term “_____” refers to the pit of the stomach area used figuratively to represent
man’s most tender emotions. a. | Splangchna | d. | Oinophlugia | b. | Apeitheia | e. | Somatikos | c. | Entruphao | | | | |
| 79. | The
Greek word “_____” means “unmerited favor” or
“goodwill.” a. | Forgiven | d. | Peace | b. | Salvation | e. | Mercy | c. | Grace | | | | |
| 80. | Philippians Chapter _____ contains these words: “Therefore God has highly exalted
him and bestowed on him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee
should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is
Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
| 81. | Philippians Chapter _____ records this verse: “Rejoice in the Lord always; again
I will say rejoice.”
| 82. | The
English word “_____” comes from the Greek word “kurios.” a. | Savior | d. | Jesus | b. | Christ | e. | Immanuel | c. | Lord | | | | |
| 83. | Philippians Chapter _____ records this verse: “I press on toward the goal for the
prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
| 84. | Philippians Chapter _____ records this verse: “What you have learned and received
and heard and seen in me, do; and the God of peace will be with you.”
| 85. | Paul’s use of the word “_____” (in Phil. 2:6) points to the very
essence of God the Father and says Jesus was the same. He was not only with God—He was
God! a. | Equality | d. | Deity | b. | Form | e. | Bestowed | c. | Image | | | | |
| 86. | The
words “joy” and “rejoice” are found a total of _____ times in
| 87. | The
word “_____” is gratitude expressed to God for His goodness and grace. a. | Prayer | c. | Thanksgiving | b. | Supplication | d. | Requests | | | | |
| 88. | Philippians Chapter _____ records this verse: “Do nothing from selfishness or
conceit, but in humility count others better than yourselves.”
| 89. | The
word “Christ” is the equivalent of the Hebrew word “_____.” a. | Savior | d. | Messiah | b. | Lord | e. | Master | c. | Immanuel | | | | |
| 90. | How
many epistles, signed by Paul, begin and end with a mention of grace?
| 91. | Philippians Chapter _____ records this verse: “Have no anxiety about anything,
but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to
| 92. | The
Greek word for “I thank” is “_____.” a. | Charis | d. | Koinonia | b. | Chara | e. | Phortion | c. | Eucharisto | | | | |
| 93. | “Whatever is ‘_____’” refers to that which is undefiled by
contamination with sin; this word was frequently used to describe the “chastity” of a
virgin. a. | Honorable | d. | Lovely | b. | Just | e. | Gracious | c. | Pure | | | | |
| 94. | Paul’s words “I thank my God” are found in all of his other epistles
except _____. a. | Galatians/Titus | d. | 1 & 2
Thess. | b. | Romans/1 Cor. | e. | 2 Cor./Eph. | c. | 1 & 2
Timothy | | | | |
| 95. | Philippians Chapter _____ contains these words: “Finally, brethren, whatever is
true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is gracious, if there is
any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these
| 96. | The
general word for a message addressed to God is “_____.” a. | Prayer | c. | Thanksgiving | b. | Supplication | d. | Requests | | | | |
| 97. | Philippians Chapter _____ contains this verse: “And I am sure that he who began a
good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”1
| 98. | The
word “_____” was popular with Stoic philosophers to describe the
“self-sufficient” man. a. | Abased | d. | Content | b. | Strengthens | e. | Abound | c. | Gracious | | | | |
| 99. | Which
chapter in Philippians makes reference to “yokefellow”?
| 100. | The
word “_____” defines the specific things we desire of God. a. | Prayer | c. | Thanksgiving | b. | Supplication | d. | Requests | | | | |
| 101. | “Whatever is ‘_____’” means things that are noble, dignified,
serious, and worthy of reverence. a. | Honorable | d. | Lovely | b. | Just | e. | Gracious | c. | Pure | | | | |
| 102. | In
Philippians, “_____” is a more specific word for a petition or entreaty, often in behalf of
someone else. It beseeches God to do something. a. | Prayer | c. | Thanksgiving | b. | Supplication | d. | Requests | | | | |